Saturday, February 19, 2011

Best Punjabi Restaurant in Chennai

Its quite natural for someone to crave for food of a different region in the region where they live. Tamilians ask for Sambar Idly in Delhi. Punjabi's ask for Alu Parantha in Chennai... Most of the time they would not be happy with the food they get but stay contended that they ate what they wanted.

Chennai however is a place which has food for ppl of all states(atleast as far as i know). It also has one of the best Vegetarian Punjabi Restaurants. The Desi Rasaoi's Gyans Vaishnav Dhaba has the best veggy punjabi food. There are wide variety of Salads, Starters, Paranthas, Curries and Rice items.. In addition to these, you have the limited thalis (Jain, Punjabi etc). The best part of the meal are the desserts. The kheer and the fruit salad are simply out of the world.

Try out the panneer tikka, alu parantha, chana pulao and boondi raita... The prices might be a tad expensive, but the experience is totally worth it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My First Boss

In the year 2008, most graduates and college students were searching desparately for jobs... The recession made sure that they had to put in more efforts than their seniors or superseniors who managed to get offers even before they had graduated.. Considering this situation, i was very fortunate to get a job even before i had completed my Masters in Engineering. I dont want to go into the details of how i got the job, how much i was offered and all that details, so lets go straight to day 1 of my job.

My boss, a Senior Manager then in the company was a No Nonsense guy... He used to be very blunt in his criticism when someone makes a mistake and one had to be doubly cautious to avoid landing in trouble... But that was just one side of the coin. He was very supportive and was always there to defend his team. He changed our perception of "Customer Is King" and always mentioned that we neednt be on the defensive if mistake isnt on our side.. Different people have different ways of driving a point home. My boss used to say things in a way with very less criticism yet driving the point home....

Though i am in a different organization now and am in a totally different line of work, i would always be greatful to my boss for all the confidence he had given me and for his constructive criticism. He has laid the foundation for my career and whatever i achieve from now on will be definitely due to the confidence he provided and the trust which he had on me...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Prologue of the Story I plan to write

“If u study at this rate , u will definitely not get ur degree within 4 years. U have been failing in the exams for the past 5 sems and still don’t seem to learn anything from the failures. We have lost our confidence in you. We have wasted lakhs of rupees paying for donations ,college fees etc and u end up getting arrears again. U misuse all the facilities given to you. Don’t communicate ur problems to us. Tell us lies or hide the truths from us. When are you going to learn?” My dads voice has been heard at an exceedingly loud voice over the mobile phone and i have already started feeling my head ache. I am tired of listening the same thing again and again. Yeah my sem results were really poor, but is this post mortem really required when i myself am at a loss to figure out what went wrong.

“Remaining Silent for 5 sems , u thought u have got away from us while all that u have been doing is cheating urself and failing miserably. U are never going to change. U are not fit even for a peon job” My dad continued screaming at an ultrasonic pitch. I felt that its time he kept quite and i get to scream. I was getting agitated… Loud beeps startled me. It was my alarm. I was having a nightmare which was going to turn into a reality in another couple of hours. My results were out at 6 pm .I always dread the period when i have to wait for the website of the dumb university to load. It seemed to take a lifetime to load the page showing my result which i more or less knew. Finally the dumb page did turn up. Another dreadful result….Though i did expect the result to be worse, the first five minutes after the results come out, I observed a five minute mourning silence.

Anyway I was pissed after seeing my results and wanted a well deserved rest for at least an hour. Somehow the nightmare ruined the effect of the blissful slumber I had been enjoying. I got up eventually to fresh up and get ready for my dinner when i heard my mobile ringing .I prayed to god before picking up to see who it was. It showed “DAD Calling”.

Is it really that difficult to land up in an IT Company?

In the year 2008, there was a sudden demand for postgraduate courses. Lots of ppl had enrolled for CAT, GATE and what not... Why was this sudden interest or zeal in the indians to pursue higher studies. This wasnt due to an interest in higher studies but because of the "Recession" scenario in the market. For almost 2 years, the count of students enrolling for Computer classes had dwindled, Engg students were more fascinated towards circuit branches and mechanical as they felt those were evergreen.

2 years later, the scenario has changed completely. Companies are conducting walkins every week, some even bypassing the aptitude tests. The institutes had started advertising their courses again and private engineering colleges had hiked the donation and the fees again for computer science and it branches.

Even though recruitements are being done on a war footing now, the employees or students who are getting placed must realize that there might arise a "2008" like situation again in the near future and companies might downsize even more than earlier.

My point is any tom, dick and harry now can land up in a good it company job right now. But its how well they perform is what is going to determine their longevity in the company. Failing to perform might make them ending up on square one again after an year.

Why are Indian Parents So obsessed with marks and grades?

This is a very common scenario in most of the indian homes...

"Dad, i got my report card today. I got 90% aggregate" says a son to his father. Father looks at the report card and says " You are not putting in enough efforts son!! Every one is getting 90% these days. You should aim to get 100% marks in all subjects. Then only you can excel in life.. Otherwise you will just remain mediocre"

The son is clueless as to where he is going wrong. He keeps thinking that there is a fault within him due to which he isnt able to score good marks. He cant mention to his dad that this is all he can give and that there are other things in life rather than just cramming stuff from books.

Most parents quote instances from Gita such as " Put your efforts and forget about your results". But they screw the happiness of the child when he/she doesnt score expected marks.

Confidence they say is regenerative. If the child receives support from his parents irrespective of how he performs, he will feel more secure than a child who is always chided upon by his parents. Unless and otherwise this scenario changes, the child would never be able to take up any of his activities confidently.